Have you ever gotten feedback that made you feel upset or hurt? It can be tough to handle criticism, but did you know that too much flattery doesn’t always help you grow either?
To grow as a creative it’s helpful explore how to handle feedback effectively by toning down harsh criticism and diluting excessive flattery. By finding the right balance, we can learn and grow while staying positive. You can do it – T.G.I.F (Thank God I’m Fabulous) – right?
Embrace Constructive Criticism
Criticism can be really helpful when it’s given constructively. It can help us identify areas for improvement and grow as individuals. Instead of getting defensive or upset, try to see criticism as an opportunity for growth. Listen carefully, ask questions, and consider how you can use the feedback to improve. Remember, it’s not about tearing you down, but helping you become even better.
Identify Patterns
Sometimes, criticism can feel harsh or overwhelming. It’s important to remember that not all feedback is created equal. Look for patterns in the feedback you receive. Are there specific areas where multiple people are providing similar suggestions? Those patterns can guide you to areas where you might need improvement. By recognizing the patterns, you can focus your efforts on those specific areas while filtering out individual opinions.
Appreciate Genuine Praise
Flattery can be delightful, but too much of it may not always be helpful. While it feels good to receive compliments, genuine praise is what truly helps us grow. Learn to distinguish between empty flattery and sincere appreciation. Genuine praise acknowledges your efforts, highlights specific strengths, and provides meaningful encouragement. When you receive genuine praise, take it to heart and let it motivate you to keep striving for excellence.
How to Handle Harsh Criticism and Excessive Flattery
So, what do you do when you receive feedback that feels too harsh or too flattering? Here are a few tips:
- If the criticism feels harsh, take a step back and try to see it from the other person’s perspective. What are they trying to say? Are they trying to be helpful, or are they just being mean? Some people are just – well – you know the word. Trolls abound online so you can expect some haters.
- If the flattery feels excessive, try to be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling. Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you think the person is being genuine? Of course your Mom is going to love everything you do (not always) but in general do you really need gushy sycophants?
- No matter how you feel, it’s important to be respectful. Thank the person for their feedback, even if you don’t agree with it. Give it some time – possibly at future time it might make some more sense and you become more comfortable with it. There might be some seeds of truth in it.
Receiving feedback is a skill that can be mastered with practice. By embracing constructive criticism, identifying patterns, and appreciating genuine praise, we can find the right balance between harsh criticism and excessive flattery. Remember, feedback is an opportunity for growth, and with the right mindset, you can use it to enhance your skills, creativity, and personal development. Stay open-minded, stay positive, and keep growing.
What is one piece of feedback you have received recently that helped you improve? How did you apply that feedback to your own growth? Share your insights below and let’s learn from each other.
Photo by Sebastien Dottin on Unsplash