The Best You’ve Done Is Holding You Back

The new Olympic motto is Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together. Despite these ideals, elite athletes discover there are physical limits to their arts. Records become harder and harder to break.

Creatives don’t have these limitations. But it’s common to find ourselves clinging to past successes. That magic moment when everything came together. When we achieve a creative breakthrough the recognition we receive is gratifying. Often these achievements can hinder our creative progress. This is the paradox of the one-hit-wonder. It was amazing once, but now it’s a dry husk. We’ve taken our work as far as we can, and there’s nothing left.

The Comfort of Familiarity:
It’s always a struggle to reach a pinnacle in your creative journey. And when you do, it’s natural to want to bask in the glory of your accomplishments. There’s a comfort in continuing to do what’s brought you recognition and applause. The danger lies in becoming complacent. It becomes a comfort zone that’s hard to escape from. There’s a temptation to do more of the same. The risk is, replicating past successes will stifle you. Be willing to explore new horizons.

Fear of Falling Short:
The fear of not meeting the high standards you’ve set for yourself can be paralysing. The sweet nectar of success is so seductive. The thought of producing something less than stellar can be intimidating. This fear can lead to creative stagnation. Don’t hesitate to take risks or explore uncharted territory.

The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of the mind. ― William Blake ― The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Break Free from Past Triumphs

Unlocking your full creative potential demands change. One thing you can be sure of is, whatever it took to create your past successes, it isn’t enough. Everything has moved on, including you. It’s crucial to liberate yourself from the clutches of your greatest hits. Here’s how:

  • Embrace Change: Understand that creative evolution involves change. Be open to new experiences, techniques, and ideas. Allow yourself to grow, even if it means deviating from the path that once brought you acclaim. Reinvent yourself. Think of music greats – Elvis, Beatles, Freddy Mercury, Madonna, David Bowie, Elton John ― all of them reinvented themselves, delighting their fans.
  • Challenge Comfort Zones: Don’t rest on your laurels. Challenge yourself by setting fresh goals and pursuing projects that push your boundaries. Remember, growth often occurs outside your comfort zone.
  • Learn from Failures: Failure is an essential part of the creative process. Instead of fearing it, welcome it as a powerful teacher. Each stumble is an opportunity to refine your skills and ideas.
  • Seek Feedback: Encourage honest feedback from your peers. Find a coach or mentor – someone who wants the best for you. They can provide valuable insights. This helps you identify blind spots that your past successes may have obscured.
  • Reignite Passion: Reconnect with the passion and curiosity that first fuelled your creativity. Sometimes, the joy of creating can get overshadowed by the pursuit of perfection.

Your Journey Awaits You:
Your journey as a creative individual is a dynamic and ever-evolving one. While past successes are worth celebrating, they should not confine you. Remember that the pursuit of excellence involves constant growth and adaptation. Release the notion that your best work is behind you. Don’t cling to the past. You’ll discover that your creative potential is limitless.

Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

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