How to Find Your Creative Voice

How to find your creative voice

Creativity resides within each of us, but at times, it seems elusive. It’s often buried beneath layers of doubt and inhibition. We find ourselves tangled in the expectations of others or shackled by the fear of falling short. Yet, like any other skill, creativity thrives with exercise. It is a muscle that strengthens through practice. Your unique creative voice is waiting for you to discover it.

Here are invaluable insights to help you uncover and nurture your creative voice: Continue reading “How to Find Your Creative Voice”

Prospecting for Creative Success

Pitching for Creative Success
Whatever your field – writing, illustration, design – there’s one universal truth. Creativity is your superpower. But all creatives need to harness their bravery when it comes to prospecting for new business. From there, they need courage to turn clients into satisfied partners.

The Journey of Courage

Prospecting is the gentle art of seeking new business opportunities. It’s an essential first step to creative success. Some people love the process. They see it as an adventure that requires both creativity and courage. The journey sometimes begins with careful identification of potential clients or collaborators. Other times circumstances means you have to dive headfirst into the unknown. You swallow your fears and you present your ideas with no prior planning – the famous elevator pitch. Continue reading “Prospecting for Creative Success”

Procrastination, ADHD, and creativity

Sad dog longing for walk
Creative people are not immune from flat days. Days when staying bed seems too much. But for some people, procrastination is more than putting things off until tomorrow. Procrastination numbs their lives leading to heart-break, depression, and worse.

Taming procrastination is possible – let’s look at ways to find solutions. It demands digging into the root psychological dynamics that add to this behaviour.

Procrastination often emerges as a way to cope with anxiety or fear of failure. This way of coping can result from perfectionism or feeling overwhelmed by the task (or tasks) at hand. Some day, the simplest routines like walking the dog feel impossible. Continue reading “Procrastination, ADHD, and creativity”

Harness the Power of Your Self-Talk

Harness the power of your self-talk

We spend half of our waking hours talking to ourselves. Our self-talk – the internal dialogue is our constant companion. It influences our attitudes, behaviours, drives our creative success, and determines our well-being. It’s a tricky thing, because our self-talk is usually made up of replays from the past – both kind words and cruel.

Positive self-talk uplifts us in moments of doubt and uncertainty. It builds belief in our abilities and that’s vital for achieving our goals and dreams. Optimistic self-talk encourages us to take risks, accept challenges, and be persistent. Continue reading “Harness the Power of Your Self-Talk”

The Path to Positive Self-Change

A man transforms himself in a field in Morocco.
The Path to Positive Self-Change – it’s a journey of creativity. Personal transformation is often the driving force that propels us forward. We ask ourselves, “What steps can we take to change ourselves and amplify our creative prowess?” Embarking on this path demands self-awareness, intention, and consistent effort.

Self-awareness serves as the foundation for transformation. Begin by recognising the aspects of yourself that you wish to enhance. Is it self-confidence, time management, or embracing a growth mindset? Pinpointing your goals allows you to craft a roadmap for change. Continue reading “The Path to Positive Self-Change”

What would little you think about you?

Little boy at the beach - What would little you think about you?

What would little you think about you?

This journey down memory lane isn’t just nostalgic; it’s a powerful tool to tap into your creativity and find fresh perspectives.

Think back to your younger days, when your imagination knew no bounds and dreams were as big as the sky. Your childhood self held unfiltered curiosity and a fearless approach to exploring the world. Now, consider your current self — the one shaped by experiences, lessons, and responsibilities. How does this contrast with the aspirations of your younger you? Continue reading “What would little you think about you?”

Making changes: From Freelancer to Employee

Embarking on a creative freelancing journey can be an exhilarating experience, filled with dreams of independence and artistic fulfilment. Yet, not all paths unfold as expected. If you find yourself transitioning from freelancing to seeking traditional employment, know that you’re not alone, and this shift doesn’t diminish your creativity or worth. It’s a chance for growth, learning, and a renewed perspective on your creative journey.

Initially, freelancing might have seemed like the perfect platform to showcase your talents and carve your niche. However, challenges in client acquisition, inconsistent income, and the business side of things can sometimes overshadow the creative joy. As you reflect on this transition, remember that setbacks are part of any creative venture. They don’t define your artistic abilities or creative potential.

It’s okay to feel a tinge of embarrassment or uncertainty as you consider traditional employment. But rather than letting this emotion overshadow your next steps, use it as a driving force for self-discovery and reinvention. Remember, your creative skills and experiences gained during freelancing are invaluable assets that can enrich your new professional endeavours.

Here are a few strategies to embrace this transition: Continue reading “Making changes: From Freelancer to Employee”

What is the One Question Creative People are Afraid to Ask?

In the realm of creativity, where self-expression and innovation converge, there’s a question that often lurks in the shadows, shrouded by apprehension. It’s the question that stirs the depths of our creative souls, yet many are too afraid to voice it. Today, we muster the courage to unveil this unasked question, and explore the depths of its significance.

The Unasked Question: “Am I Truly Creative?
Continue reading “What is the One Question Creative People are Afraid to Ask?”

Lifelong Learning: Your Catalyst for Creativity and Business Success

People who’re fully dynamic in creative professions and entrepreneurial ventures usually exploit continuous learning – it’s a powerful driver (and indicator) of success. For busy creative professionals and business leaders, the pursuit of knowledge and the commitment to ongoing development have become indispensable factors in staying competitive and achieving sustainable growth.

It’s a been a bit fashionable to mock the idea of getting a university degree, that the entrepreneurial burn is enough. And it can be enough to get started, but often the burn becomes supplemented by books, audio files, and any other of the myriad ways we share our accumulated knowledge. No matter how smart an individual is, without learning new information means they’re going out of date. It’s important for all of us, at any stage of our lives.

In this era of constant innovation and ever-evolving markets, here’s why continuous learning is the key to unlocking new possibilities and maximising your potential. Continue reading “Lifelong Learning: Your Catalyst for Creativity and Business Success”