Prospecting for Creative Success

Pitching for Creative Success
Whatever your field – writing, illustration, design – there’s one universal truth. Creativity is your superpower. But all creatives need to harness their bravery when it comes to prospecting for new business. From there, they need courage to turn clients into satisfied partners.

The Journey of Courage

Prospecting is the gentle art of seeking new business opportunities. It’s an essential first step to creative success. Some people love the process. They see it as an adventure that requires both creativity and courage. The journey sometimes begins with careful identification of potential clients or collaborators. Other times circumstances means you have to dive headfirst into the unknown. You swallow your fears and you present your ideas with no prior planning – the famous elevator pitch. Continue reading “Prospecting for Creative Success”

Harness the Power of Your Self-Talk

Harness the power of your self-talk

We spend half of our waking hours talking to ourselves. Our self-talk – the internal dialogue is our constant companion. It influences our attitudes, behaviours, drives our creative success, and determines our well-being. It’s a tricky thing, because our self-talk is usually made up of replays from the past – both kind words and cruel.

Positive self-talk uplifts us in moments of doubt and uncertainty. It builds belief in our abilities and that’s vital for achieving our goals and dreams. Optimistic self-talk encourages us to take risks, accept challenges, and be persistent. Continue reading “Harness the Power of Your Self-Talk”