Harness the Power of Your Self-Talk

Harness the power of your self-talk

We spend half of our waking hours talking to ourselves. Our self-talk – the internal dialogue is our constant companion. It influences our attitudes, behaviours, drives our creative success, and determines our well-being. It’s a tricky thing, because our self-talk is usually made up of replays from the past – both kind words and cruel.

Positive self-talk uplifts us in moments of doubt and uncertainty. It builds belief in our abilities and that’s vital for achieving our goals and dreams. Optimistic self-talk encourages us to take risks, accept challenges, and be persistent. Continue reading “Harness the Power of Your Self-Talk”

The Path to Positive Self-Change

A man transforms himself in a field in Morocco.
The Path to Positive Self-Change – it’s a journey of creativity. Personal transformation is often the driving force that propels us forward. We ask ourselves, “What steps can we take to change ourselves and amplify our creative prowess?” Embarking on this path demands self-awareness, intention, and consistent effort.

Self-awareness serves as the foundation for transformation. Begin by recognising the aspects of yourself that you wish to enhance. Is it self-confidence, time management, or embracing a growth mindset? Pinpointing your goals allows you to craft a roadmap for change. Continue reading “The Path to Positive Self-Change”